A Unique Self-Development Opportunity & Learning Experience

Soul‭, ‬Body‭ & ‬Mind Realignment

Using Human Design and energy readings, Suzanne teaches you about your complete Human system and guides you towards self-harmonization.

Her Life's Teaching sessions are based on her Self-Development experiences and the understandings of the various systems currently available.
Offering you the tools to support your spiritual growth and the integration of your lights & shadows dynamics.

Self-Development Courses

Sessions are held in Indonesia, Ubud, Bali & Kuta, Lombok, or Online.

Price List:

  • Tarot & Energy Reading: 60USD, 1 hour, including Life incarnation's purpose
  • Life Teaching Sessions 1:1: 80USD, 2 hours
  • Life Teaching Sessions Group: 40USD / persons

Note: it is important to start with the Session #01 to establish a proper self-knowledge foundation before engaging with the Session #02. Group sessions do not include individuals Human Design charts.

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Students Feedback

Suzanne, 2023, China

Suzanne is one of a kind with a unique Life's path. By the age of 44, she cumulated the experiences amount of 3 lives in 1. She lived in 6 countries, speaks about 4 languages, crossed over 15 different professional fields and interacted with more than 13 cultures.

“Having the gift of Clairvoyance is a tough one, a skill well misunderstood and stigmatized by modern society. I got pushed to face and recognize that Life regularly assigns me to guide people in needs of spiritual growth, healing, authentic Life's teaching and redirection. They usually return to me after years, telling me about how I did influence their lives for the better”.

Her self-learning journey gave her the capacities & knowledge about:

- IChing, the natural Life's flow development

- Consciousness, Spirituality & the Mindsets systems

- Yin & Yang duality concept

- The Cause & Effect of traumas

- How to read a Human Design profile & its energies for a healing purpose

- Self-Healing via the transmutation of Lights & Shadows

- Tarot reading Guidance for clarity & self-development support

- Extracting Wisdom & Truth based on Circumstances analysis

- Understanding Life's structure using Art & Alchemy

- How Astrology works & influences your Life on a daily basis


Start Your Self-Development Journey

Upcoming Goals & Educations

  • Authentic Healers Network
    Building a Network of Authentic, Ancient & Traditional Healers in Bali, to preserve the transmission of ancient knowledge & methods.

    Supporting and strengthen the local practitioners' visibility as a way to implement sustainable tourism.
  • Massage Therapist Support
    Learning about energies, self-cleaning & protection for Hotel & Spa massage therapists, as a basic need to your staff.

    • Educating therapists how to self-clean & transmute energies absorbed from guests during massages sessions.
    • Educating to multicultural mindsets for a better customer service communication.
  • Spiritual Education Service
    Teaching the basics of Spirituality to your Hotel guests, as a first step to implement awareness & respect to the local Balinese culture.

    • Service development & implementation of Spiritual & Self-Development Education.
    • Staff Education to become the Teacher.
  • Hinduism In Bali
    Learn about the Balinese Hinduism branch, For a better respect & understanding of the local culture. Close to the jungle, in the traditional cultural & spiritual city of Ubud.

    • Balinese Hinduism branch foundation education class in Ubud.
    • Learn the authentic Balinese Culture & how to respect it, understand its reality, context & mindset.
  • Daoism In Wudangshan
    Learn the Dao from Authentic KungFu Masters in Wudang, at the heart of the holly Mountains where TaiChi is born.

    • Chinese Culture & Mindset preparation class in Bali.
    • Yin & Yang concept introduction.
    • Tailor-made China Educative Journeys based on budget, interest & age group.
  • Buddhism in Hubei
    Learn Chinese Zen Buddhism, led by Monk Mage, at Wenfo Buddhist temple in Yichang, Hubei.

    • Chinese Culture & Mindset preparation class in Bali.
    • Chinese Zen Buddhism introduction.
    • Tailor-made China Educative Journeys based on budget, interest & age group.
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